Poultry Labels
Perfect for poultry producers and farmers, our custom-printed labels offer a professional, fresh look for your poultry products.

Running a poultry farm is never an easy task, especially if you plan on selling your plastic shrink wrapped frozen whole turkeys or bagged chicken parts in grocery stores. Not only do you need to meet poultry labeling requirements, but you should also consider supplying nice looking custom poultry labels that will make your heritage pasture raised fresh ducks stand out and will not fall off your frozen chicken breast or chicken wings products.
That is why our team of label experts made a selection of custom poultry freezer labels suitable for all kinds of poultry products, both fresh and frozen, from shrink bags with frozen poultry to chicken bacon ranch and pecan chicken salad. Whether you are a small-scale family based poultry grower looking to get their fresh whole chickens labeled or a large poultry company that needs thousands of frozen chicken thigh nutrition labels, our poultry freezer stickers will meet all your needs making your products look their best.
If you are still not sure what type of poultry labels you need, feel free to reach out and our label experts will be happy to help.
Still have questions about poultry labels and packaging?
Contact us at solutions@freezerlabels.net to speak with our customer support.